Guest Post Policy
We welcome relevant, high-quality, and original posts from writers outside of Sharp Suits.
Posts should be in-line with the theme of Sharp Suits; arts, logo, animation, 3D, Illustration, and Branding. Either you are a beginner or an expert of this area, you can submit your work with us!
We only accept original content! We want to educate our readers with relevant and highly-informative posts. Please avoid submitting duplicate or overly promotional material.
The length should be between 1,000-2,000 words. The tone should be creative and informative. Avoid using passive voice and limit your sentences into 20 words. Use H1, H2, and H3 for subheadings and bullet points for important details.
You can include 2 links directing to your own site but the links should be “references” so don’t be too promotional. Include 1 link to an external authoritative source (not your own site), and 1 link to a page on our site. Make sure to include statistics to support your content.
You may include an “About the Author” section at the end of the post which includes 1 link to your site. You can also include your social profile.
Editorial process.
Our Editor will go through your submission once we receive it. If we do decide to publish your post, you will hear from us within 14 days of your submission.
It takes for our Editor to review and make necessary edits on your submission. For this, we require an editorial as well as a publishing fee of $150. The payment should be made before we publish your post.
Want to Submit a Topic?
Please use the form below for your submission. If the idea is approved, we will then email you a request for the full article.